231-946-2700 jmr@runningwise.com

Michael I. Conlon

Mr. Conlon practices in the areas of personal injury, insurance matters, no-fault/negligence law, real estate litigation, appellate law, bankruptcy, and mediation. He has substantial experience in evaluating and litigating automobile accidents, premises liability claims, first-party/PIP claims, and property damage matters. Mr. Conlon has substantial experience representing parties in bankruptcy proceedings.  Mr. Conlon has completed the Institute of Continuing Legal Education’s Civil Case Mediator Training.

Mr. Conlon is a 1990 graduate of Wayne State University Law School where he served as editor of the Wayne Law Review. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan. He is a former adjunct faculty member at the Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University where he taught debtor-creditor relations. Mr. Conlon is the former chair of the Grand Traverse County Planning Commission.

1501 Cass Street, Ste. D
Traverse City, Michigan


Practice Areas

Injuries & Insurance

No Fault/Negligence Law

Appellate Law



Creditor’s Rights & Collections

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